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The Challenge: 
224 million school age children are affected by crises globally. They are either out of school or in school but not learning.

The humanitarian sector is in dire need of breakthrough solutions that can swiftly scale, enhance access, and improve the quality of education.

The Vision

By 2033, children impacted by acute crises will receive personalized learning within 30 days of the onset crisis, providing continuity of learning and increasing re-entry into formal schooling post-crisis.

Key Features

Whether a learner has limited access to the internet or electricity or prefers to learn through visual or auditory materials, aprendIA provides personalized learning experiences that meet their individual needs. 

Case Studies

Training Tool for Mavis Talking Books and Pens

We are currently developing a training tool for teachers to ensure they have the skills and knowledge to effectively use the Mavis Talking Books and Pens with their students in North-East Nigeria.

Design Services

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